Bohemian Vase
Maker: Possibly Bohemian
Material: Red Case Glass
Year: ca. 1860
Size: H. 16", W. 10.25"
2014.05.76 EL The Mr. and Mrs. Franck H. Kaiser, Sr. Collection
Originally one of a pair, this unusually large case glass vase is commonly known as Bohemian glass. Today, Bohemia is a region of the Czech Republic, an area long known for the production of fine glass. The process to produce such glass was first developed in the 1600’s, remaining extremely popular throughout the entire 19th century. The deep red color exhibited in this vase, was by far the most popular of multiple colors produced. By the end of the eighteenth century colored case glass was produced across Europe. A royal patent for case glass was granted to William Peckitt of York, England in 1780. American glass companies beginning in the mid-19th century competed with European companies by developing their own versions of case glass.