Black Lamp Post
Ca. 1855-1875
Base and shaft: 87 in. tall
Globes are replacements
The Belmont estate contains a pair of black lamp posts, and it is unclear if the posts are original or if they were added during the college era. They appear in the ca. 1858 Robert Wood catalogue and were still in production well into the 20th century, making it difficult to accurate date. The Acklens installed a gas plant ca. 1857 and it is possible this lamp post would have been placed somewhere along the carriage drive. Most likely the original lamp contained a single burner and the additional arms were added at the time of electrification. The post is found in the Robert Wood & Co. 1870 catalogue as number “C” [1].
[1] Wood, Robert Wood & Co. Portfolio of original designs of ornamental iron work, by Robert Wood & Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.) ca. 1867-70, 268.
from: Winterthur Museum Library internet archive https://archive.org/details/portfoliooforigi00robe