Franklin Children
Victoria Franklin 1840 - 1846
Adelicia Franklin 1842 - 1846
Victoria and Adelicia died within days of each just a few days after the family returned from Louisiana where they had gone to retrieve their father's body for burial. Adelicia (age 4) died on June 8th of bronchitis and Victoria (age 6) died on June 11th of croup.
Julius Ceasar Franklin 1844 - 1844
The only son of Isaac and Adelicia Franklein, Julius Caesar, died 13 hrs. after his birth due to complications
Emma Franklin 1844 - 1855
Emma Franklin was the oldest surviving child of Isaac and Adelicia and the only Franklin child to live at Belmont Mansion. After her death from Diptheria the family commissioned a painting from the artist Gschwindt. In an article published in The Daily Picayune the painting was described thus. “The child is reclining on a sofa and seems to be just awaking from a pleasant dream, of which the last scene is just fading away. From the clouds, in the background, we see the vanishing form of an angel emerge, clasping the hand of the unconscious child, and pointing to the future. We need only to add that the child soon after died." This was the second painting done for the Acklen family by Gschwindt. The painting, which did not survive, hung in the library at Belmont Mansion.